Thursday 3 January 2013

Obligatory New Years Post

Image courtesy of We Heart It

I hope everyone had a safe & happy new years.

After spending all day on the 31st at the hospital with my fiance, we weren't exactly in the mood to party so we just watched movies until a bit before midnight, flicked over to the fireworks, had our 12 o'clock kiss and then went to bed.

It seems most people are happy 2012 is over.
Personally I'd like to skip ahead to 2014 but that's just me.

2013 is going to be a challenge for me.
I've got a lot of goals and I am determined not to fail at any of them.
The main goal is to get my finances in order.
I've spent too long being frivolous and silly with my money.
I look at all the things I own and granted, I have some gorgeous things but there are so many pointless purchases, so much money spent on things I've never worn or used, or worse yet, things I've lost.

I've started reading some finance/saving blogs and have joined in some discussions on the topic on the vogue forums.
I find it really inspiring and the thought of saving and being wiser with my money is actually making me excited.

I can safely say that I won't have much of an issue with not buying new clothes as I have really lost the interest.
Lately, I seem to have completely lost the urge to shop. I just can't be bothered battling the crowds, trying on clothes or dealing with the wide range of rude retail staff that I seem to be encountering these days.

My two weaknesses are shoes & homewares.
I'm really going to have to work on these, especially the latter.
I'm such a sucker for teapots, cute coasters, photo frames, throw pillows & everything in between.

I'm going to have to work harder to make my blog more interesting as there will be very few posts on shopping hauls, expensive dinners or the like.

Do you have any goals for 2013?
I'd love to hear about them!



  1. I am also on the finances resolution, good Luck!

    1. It seems a lot of people are! Good luck to you too :)

  2. I hope your trip to the hospital was only for something minor! =( Good luck with your resolutions, they definitely sound achievable so its just one small step at a time.


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